Facebook and Instagram Support Local Businesses With New Features

We all know that back in March, when the madness with the pandemic started to grow all over the world, Facebook has created a $100 million grant in order to help small businesses survive the uncertain period we are living in. 

Other ways in which Facebook has made a step forward in helping businesses survive are the gift cards you can buy and use during the pandemic or when the business reopens; or the professional sticker in Instagram Stories that helps you mention a business you love and want to support and show it to your followers.

And it seems that Facebook’s efforts are not done, as they keep on improving their products from this point of view and add more and more options of helping the businesses you love. Let’s see the latest two! 

Facebook and Instagram Support Local Businesses With New Features

Business nearby

Facebook has added a Business nearby section in the newsfeed which will show users the latest posts from businesses in their area. And nearby, in this case, means from 1 to 500 miles away. 

With this option, you can order their products, order food from them and even do a booking after they start working again. 

As Facebook knows more about ourselves than we do sometimes, they will know what to show us and what we need to get done: whether we are talking about ordering food or take-away, go to a hair salon or get a new tattoo. 

Small business sticker on Instagram

Instagram adds a new sticker to promote small businesses that is called support small businesses. 

If you have a friend that owns one and you want more people to hear about it, you just have to upload a photo with their products – but this is not necessarily, you can also have a monochromatic background to it – and then add the support small business sticker and tag the one you want to show your followers. 3 photos from the business’ profile will appear along with the mention.

The tagged business can reshare your story and show appreciation or reply with one thankful message. 

There is also a new section in the Stories where the small businesses stories with the stickers that the people you follow have used.

So what’s your take on the new features?

See also: Messenger Rooms is Facebook’s Zoom-like feature