News from Instagram: Stories Highlights and Stories Archive

It seems that Instagram keeps on surprising us more often than usual with the updates they make on Stories. This time they introduced Stories Highlights and Stories Archive. What is it all about? Let’s see!


Instagram Stories Highlights and Stories Archive


1. Stories Highlights

Ever since they introduced Stories, the feature had an unbelievable success and has been part of the users’ lives on a daily basis. Businesses have also started using it, positioning it as an advertising method. Until now, Stories have been ephemeral, being available for 24 hours only.

So what do Stories Highlights do?

Highlights is a way of keeping Stories available for more than a day. You can now group your stories in Highlights and feature them on your profile. There is a new section on each user’s profile, right under your description. To create a new highlight, you must, at first, create one of the Stories. After that, a “New” button appears and, after you click it, you can choose the Story you want to highlight and keep on your profile. But this is not all: you can also choose a cover and a name for the highlight. After you have done all this, the highlight will appear in a circle, being available at all times for your followers. You choose when you want to delete a Highlight, they will stay on your profile until you decide to remove them. Also, there are no limits concerning the number of the Highlights you upload on your profile. If you want to delete or edit one, you just have to tap and hold on the Highlight and then do whatever action you want.

2. Stories Archive

If, until now, you used to save a story to your phone memory in order to keep it for later, you don’t have to do this anymore. Because now Stories automatically save in the Archive after they expire. Now it is easier to keep your memories close or even bring them back to your followers’ attention by saving them in the Highlights section.
To see the archived stories, tap the Archive button on your profile and they are discoverable. Once you see them, you can switch between post archives and the stories archive. The most recent stories will appear at the bottom of the screen. The date of the story will be displayed, so you can easily search in the archive. If you want to re-upload it as a Story, share it as a post or save it as a Highlight. The only one that can see the archive is you and if you don’t want your stories to be saved in the archive, you can change the profile settings at any time.

What do you think of the new features? Will you be using them?
See also: Instagram Is Testing Slow Motion Tool in Stories