6 Tips to Write an Inbound Marketing Email Workflow

Having a strong contacts database is just the first step in executing a successful and effective email marketing campaign. No matter how many contacts you’ve got, they’re of no use to you if they’re just sitting there, not taking any action. This is why you need to find a way to engage and activate as many contacts from your database as possible. This is where marketing email workflow steps in.

You need to create and set up a compelling marketing email workflow that will hit the right buttons with the right members of your contacts database. It will help you grow your business and get more customers. If you don’t know how to do it, but want to learn, just keep reading. We’ve put together a list with 6 tips to help you write your inbound marketing email workflow.

Let’s break it down together.

Tips to Write an Inbound Marketing Email Workflow

6 Tips to Write an Inbound Marketing Email Workflow

1. Classify Your Contacts

The first thing you need to do when working on your email workflow is to classify your contacts into different groups. Later on, you’ll create and spend specific automated emails to each of the groups.

So, which criteria should you use?

  • customer behavior
  • their current interests
  • whether or not they’ve made purchases with you
  • their activity in the period behind you
  • age, sex, location

In other words, you have to classify them using all the valuable data and information you’ve managed to gather via your website or other tools.

Once you classify them, you’ll be able to create a strategy on how to approach them.

2. Set Specific Goals

Now that you’ve made your classification, it’s time to set specific goals for each of the groups you’ve targeted. The questions you want to ask include:

  • What do I want this group of people to do?
  • What message do I want to send them?

Let’s say you have a group of people who’ve recently made a purchase and are more active than other customers. The goal for them would be to introduce them with your latest hit products and have them maintain their strong activity.

On the other hand, for those who’ve made zero action in the past months, the goal could be to remind them of your brand and intrigue them to revisit your website.

For each group, set specific goals that you’ll try to reach using automated emails in your email marketing strategy.

3. Define The Triggers

The next important step in the process of writing an inbound marketing email workflow is defining the triggers that will classify a customer as a member of your workflow.

So, the triggers decide whether or not they fit in a certain group and should receive your emails.

Here’s a couple of examples:

  • downloads your e-book
  • views a certain page on your website
  • subscribes to your blog
  • clicks a link 
  • submits a form
  • selects favorite products
  • abandons a cart
  • etc.

The triggers help you determine which stage of the customer experience they’re at and what you can do to make them go to the next one.

4. Always Include a Good Offer

You have your contact classification and the triggers that help you decide when to send your emails. The next pro tip you have to keep in mind is this:

  • always include a good offer

You don’t want your emails to be boring and meaningless. If you’ve already taken the time out of your customers’ days and had them read the email, you might as well make it worth their while.

So, let’s say someone just subscribed to your blog. Here’s what to do:

  • send a welcome email
  • thank them for the subscription
  • share some of your top blog posts to get them more excited

In this email, you’re offering your top-notch content to show them more about your value and quality. 

You should do the same for every other email script that you’re writing. Include either a special offer, a good deal, or something that your customers will appreciate.

5. Keep Your Emails Short

The form of your email will affect the success you make with them. And we strongly suggest that you stick to short emails.

Here’s why:

  • they’re easy to read
  • they go straight to the point
  • they have a higher conversion rate
  • your customers will like them more

If you’ve never written short emails before, you could get help from one of the best essay writing services out there. They can create handy templates that you can use for future reference.

Just remember one thing. Nobody has the time to go through huge amounts of written text from every business that wants to reach them.

Keep your emails short and simple.

6. Make Use of the Design

Finally, you need to understand just how powerful your email design can be.

If you create the right visual effect, you could increase your conversion rate and boost your workflow success.

Here are our top tips:

  • include images
  • use a simple font
  • make the CTA stand out
  • use a simple design
  • make it easy to scan for information

Ensure your design is on your side. Test different versions if necessary, to see which design type works best for your target groups.

Final Thoughts

Writing an inbound marketing email workflow is a complex task that requires going through several stages of preparation and performance. Still, with the right guidance and enough patience, you can do it.

Hopefully, you’ll find the tips above useful and practical. Apply them to your email workflow strategy and boost your results.

See also: How to Avoid Email Deliverability Mistakes in The Midst of COVID-19