How To View Secret Facebook Groups?

Do you know that Facebook private groups (or secret Facebook groups) are the most popular groups nowadays?
From an admin point of view, I totally get it. Spammers are all around and having an open community will just create a lot more challenges than actually getting advantages from it. Besides that, managing a private Facebook group is way better because it allows you to have more control over the group and members. Thus, allowing you to manage them in ‘acceptable’ workloads.

Imagine having 1,000 new members overnight and have no control over it. Headache!

In this post, you are going to learn how to view secret Facebook groups (as well as some nifty tricks behind it).

How To View Secret Facebook Groups?


Step 1

Using Facebook search bar, search for the groups of your choice. You can start with something very general such as “entrepreneur”, “social media” or “blogging” if you have no idea which group to join.

Step 2

Click on the ‘groups’ tab and here’s how it looks like.

On the left side, feel free to use the filters for better results.

Step 3

Facebook gives you the number of members and other details in the search results. Here’s an example.

  • Group: Women’s Entrepreneur Network
  • Introduction: By women business owners for women business owners.
  • Number of members: 60,894
  • New members count: 339

With the number of members, it is shown that this is a very popular group that allows women’s entrepreneurs to network and engage with one another.
If you are a female in the entrepreneurship journey, you may want to consider joining this group as it is going to give you a lot of advantages and open more doors.

Step 4

If you have yet to join, the next step is to join the group before you can participate in it. In this case, click on the ‘Join’ button and most of the time, you need to provide some information about yourself such as the type of work and the plans for you to use the group.
When you are doing this, make sure you are providing quality information to ensure that you stand a better chance of being accepted to the group.

Important things you should be doing

No matter what you do, always ensure that you do not spam in any of these groups. You are NOT going to help yourself in any way if people think that you are a spammer. Instead, be of use and always provide valuable information to help the other members.
See also: Best Ways to Use Facebook Live to Generate Quality Leads Fast