Memes are a pillar of human connection. Okay, I wouldn’t go that far, but memes have in fact become an important part of modern society and the way humans interact with one another, relate, and connect.
So with them being so popular, it’s no wonder that TikTok memes have become a thing as well. If people can sense meme value in something, they will hunt it down and find it. Guaranteed.
Of course, TikTok memes are most of the time TikTok videos and not images about TikTok, but they’re not just any regular TikToks, they have to have a certain “je ne sais quoi” to qualify as funny TikTok memes that people want to share over and over again.
So let’s check it out, what are the most popular TikTok memes right now?
Top 30+ TikTok Memes of 2023
1. Dad Sneeze
Are you a gentle sneezer or does the whole world shake when you sneeze? This animation by nobodysausage perfectly portrays how dads typically sneeze.
2. Multiple Alarms
This TikTok account is filled with funny videos, so I couldn’t help it and had to share another one with you. If you’re a light sleeper and you’re sharing a bed with someone who sets up multiple alarms for the morning, which they no longer hear anymore, you’ll understand the pain in this funny TikTok.
3. Morning Person or Night Owl?
And keeping with the theme of waking up, are you a morning person or a night owl who likes sleeping till late and wakes up all groggy and confused? I couldn’t think of a cuter and funnier way to portray that than with these two dogs waking up in the car.
4. Funny Dentist
You know when you go to the dentist and they make you swear you’ll lay off the candy? Well, this dentist is a bit different.
5. Pride Month Mode
Did you ever think buying a car in 2023 could come with a pride month mode? Have no idea what I’m talking about? Watch this TikTok and tell me it wouldn’t be a funny option to have:
6. Influencer Potential
If you’ve been on social media in the past five years, I’m sure you’ve stumbled upon at least one apology video. This little girl definitely has the potential both to be an influencer and to film teary apology videos if the need arises.
7. Having Fun With The Police
Who said police officers don’t have a sense of humor? This British policewoman surely knows how to take a joke and vibe to a song.
8. Strength of a Man
If you’re a woman in a relationship, you can often forget just how strong your male partner is compared to you and you trying to dominate him in a playful physical fight is just a joke to him.
9. Background Star
This woman is trying to film a workout video at the gym, but all eyes are on the guy in the background who notices her filming and decides to go crazy on the elliptical. He’s an absolute star.
10. Smelly Awakening
If you like fart jokes, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this one as well.
11. Chugging down sparkling water without burping
If you don’t know the following TikTok meme yet, I don’t know where you’ve been living, but it’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. The amount of sheer panic, chaos, and unstoppable chain of events is just comedy gold:
12. Scott Sterling
This is another one right up there on the funny scale for me. I’ve mentioned it in a previous TikTok article, but I couldn’t help to mention it again because it’s just too funny to miss:
13. Gangsta Cat
Ain’t nothing like a funny animal to create a good TikTok meme. And this one doesn’t disappoint. Well, some TikTok users have complained about the sock not being clean enough, but that doesn’t take away from the comedic factor. In fact, maybe it adds more to it?
14. Nelson the Donkey
If we’re on the subject of animals, this donkey video is quite hilarious, don’t you think? I do bet her neighbors love her indeed:
15. TikTok dancers at a regular job
Since TikTok is known by many for its popular dances, I had to introduce a dance-themed TikTok meme. This one portrays how TikTok dancers would act at a normal job, and I have to say the editing and sound effects are spot-on:
16. Khaby Lame
By now, Khaby Lame has kind of become a legend on TikTok and almost all his videos can qualify as memes. As mentioned in our Top 25 Most Liked TikToks of 2023 article, Khabane Lame had 6 videos in the top 25 at the time of writing it and he’s become the most popular TikToker as of October 2022.
17. Funny Lap Dance
This one’s a bit different from other funny TikToks, but this girl deserves some respect for standing up for herself in such a funny way:
18. Beyoncé’s Chicken Dance
Whether you like Beyoncé or not, this video will make you laugh. The fact that she’s so on beat on this dance is amazing and whoever thought of this is brilliant:
19. Followed Into a Dark Alley
How would you react if someone creepy was following you? Check out these guys’ reaction, totally hilarious:
20. Workout Gone Wrong
You know when you work out at home and you’re so embarrassed if someone comes in the room? Well, this is even more embarrassing but priceless at the same time:
21. Usher Cat
When your cat can sing like Usher, you know you’ve got a winning TikTok on your hands. The meme was started by @chipthemanx and followed by many other super cute and funny cat videos.
22. Dressing Up Pets
It’s always funny when you dress up your pets, but when you make them wear a creepy Halloween costume, it’s over-the-top funny:
23. Musical Chairs Gone Wrong
There’s a reason adults don’t play musical chairs. But this was hilarious nonetheless. She definitely won the #musicalchairs challenge. At what cost though? We don’t know.
24. Turds in the Bag
I love how innocent he seems and how discretely he speaks until he does what he does. And his dad’s face is just priceless!
25. Slipping on Ice
Some of the best humor is of people slipping on ice, given they don’t fall badly.
26. Falling for Each Other
Sometimes you’re so excited to see someone you haven’t seen in a long time that not even a slip and fall can stop you. This was hilarious, sad, and romantic at the same time!
27. A Dog’s Empathy
The guys who posted this TikTok says his dog was trying to humiliate him by trying to limp the same way he did, but I think the dog was just being empathetic and showing him he’s there for him, and most people in the comments agree with me:
28. Funny and Sassy Kid
The interaction between this father and son is pure comedy gold. If this isn’t staged, this kid will become a comedian one day, he’s so quick on his feet. But even if it is staged, whoever came up with the script is still a comedian.
29. Funniest Arrest Ever
This has to go down as the funniest arrest in history. Arrest him by all means if he did something wrong, but someone please also give him a funniest felon award. I’m surprised the policeman managed to keep his cool.
30. Italian Speaking With His Hands
Have you ever seen an Italian not use their hands while they speak? Carlo’s wife Sarah challenged him to speak without his hands and it seems to be an impossible task. If you want to see more memes and you love funny couples on TikTok, check out their account @carloandsarah. They’re funny and adorable.
31. TikTok Meme Compilation
And finally, a meme compilation to round up our top 30+ TikTok memes of 2023:
As you might have noticed by now, TikTok memes—if done right—play a huge role in your marketing strategy since snackable content can quickly become viral.
Hope you’ve enjoyed it. If you did, don’t forget to share it with your friends and also check out the most popular TikTok trends of 2023.
See also: What are the most used songs on TikTok?