2024 Social Media Marketing Tips From 20+ Marketing Experts

2024 Social Media Marketing Tips

In the newest “We Are Social” report we find out that chat/messaging and social media apps are the ones accessed the most by Internet users aged between 16 and 64.  

As you can see in the image below, the third place is occupied by search engines and web portals, and only in the sixth spot do we find email with a percentage of almost 50% in this top of most accessed types of websites and applications by Internet users.

The number of social media users has increased by 5.6% in the last year, reaching over 5 billion. Even though this doesn’t represent the actual number of unique users who have a social media account, it is clear that the number of social media accounts is rising and Internet users want to test and use new social media platforms every year.

There is another important growth potential for social media and Internet users in general, considering that at present one in three people on the planet (which is more than 2.7 billion people) are not connected to the Internet and they’re offline. 

If the most important reason that people use social media is to keep in touch with friends and family, we can see that the seventh most important reason (with a major percentage of 26.1%) is to find products to purchase. 

You can take a look at the main reasons for using social media in the image below:

From the same report, we find out that $207.1 billion was spent on social media advertising, accounting for 28.8% of the total online advertising in 2023 and decreasing by only a little compared to 2022 (-1.1%).

Social media networks are an important part of any company’s marketing strategy, be that a small, medium, or large business, so this year as well we’ve prepared an article full of practical information, with the most important social media marketing tips for 2024 from a few marketers with a lot of relevant experience under their belt. 

I want to use this opportunity to thank all the marketers who took the time to send in their answers to share with our Hot in Social Media community. 

If you don’t know what the best strategy for promoting your business on social media is, how to split your time more efficiently, how to create an active community, and what to focus on when it comes to social media this year, I recommend you read this article and I’m sure you’ll find at least a few useful pieces of advice that you can put into practice starting today. 

Don’t forget to share this article on your social media accounts and mention the useful advice you’ve found and want to put into practice.

What Are the Most Effective Social Media Marketing Tips for 2024?

Donna Moritz
Neal Schaffer
Stephanie Nelson
Andy Crestodina
Keri Jaehnig
Marji J. Sherman
Miruna Dragomir
Timothy Hughes
Julia Campbell
Virginia Zuloaga
Ravi Shukle
Lilach Bullock
Ted Rubin
Jacob Shipley
Alexandra Varodi
Laura Trif
Jeff Korhan
Gini Dietrich
Christina Garnett
Ingrid Kibler
Adina Jipa
Donna Moritz

Donna Moritz

Visual Content Strategist, Canva Verified Expert & Canva Creator


My social media marketing tips for 2024 that will help you get more productive, create awesome content, engage with your community and get better results are: 

  • Search and SEO will be key, but not just in the usual places like Google! I’ve always been a huge fan of platforms that allow your content to be found from search, metadata, and keywords, including blogging, Pinterest, YouTube, even Canva’s template library as a Canva Creator. But there is a shift happening, in that Gen Z is driving search on platforms we wouldn’t normally consider to be “search” platforms, like Instagram and TikTok. So now, keywords are key on these platforms too, as is SEO! Start building an SEO and keyword strategy into social platforms too in 2024. This helps your content get found for the topics you want to be found for. Do this by considering SEO in your title, captions, and bio as well as adding Alt-text to your images and videos. 
  • Less is More when it comes to Social Media – Time has never been more important so spend less time being everywhere and more time focused on the 1 or 2 platforms where there is an intersection between your ability to create consistent content AND where your ideal customer or community is showing up. Focus on where you can create content that helps or has an impact and stop trying to be everywhere. Only consider expanding the platforms you are posting to, after you are consistent on your “Focus Socials”. 
  • Video, Video, Video – whether it’s long-form YouTube content or short-form Reels and TikToks, video is not going anywhere. It has become more important than ever to get skilled up in video and lucky for us there are tools (and templates!) that make it super easy to create video, including straight from your phone. Even the social media platforms themselves (TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram) have a full suite of video creation tools built in … so there’s no excuse! 

Neal Schaffer

President – PDCA Social 


Neal Schaffer

Outside of leaning into short-form video, my advice for social media marketing is to think less about making your own content and leaning into your fans to generate more user-generated content in more forms.

The fact that we trust people over brands means that user-generated content will continue to rise, and it also saves the brand from having to be constantly on the hamster wheel of content creation.

Stephanie Nelson

Stephanie Nelson

SEO & Social Media Maven – SBN Marketing


  1. Skip the vanity metrics like follower numbers and focus on posting quality content that moves your audience to engage with it.
  2. Be authentic.
  3. Focus on the platforms where your audience engages with you the most. 
  4. Don’t be afraid to try new things, but also don’t overthink whether you need to pivot back to the tried and true if you find you’re spinning your wheels.

Andy Crestodina

Co-founder, CMO – Orbit Media Studios


Andy Crestodina

Use AI to analyze your social media data. It will tell you the topics and timing that correlate with every metric, from comments to follower growth. 

Image source: AI for LinkedIn, Orbit Media

It may take time to get your social media data into a structure that is AI-friendly, but once you do, you can talk to your social metrics. You can even have ChatGPT draw charts that show the correlations. Now you’re ready to validate (or adjust) your social strategy for 2024…

Keri Jaehnig

Keri Jaehnig

Founder & CEO – Idea Girl Media


If you’ve been online for any time at all, you should take the first opportunity to update your web pages and profiles text and imagery so your potential customers see the most correct representation of your brand. If you’ve been online for more than a few years, it is definitely time for an online presence audit and new marketing strategy. This process is an investment in. your brand and will optimize your brand’s search engine rankings and social media marketing results.

Use AI tools like Canva and ChatGPT for content creation and content optimization. Your competition will, and there is a need to keep up. Attractive imagery will increase engagement by double or more. In turn, you will attract more of your target market to your brand on social media.

The golden rule is to fish where the fish are — be online where your target market hangs out online. TikTok is popular, and Threads is gaining traction. But if you are a solopreneur with clients that are executives and senior-level business executives, they are probably spending their time on LinkedIn. Your social media marketing strategy and content strategy should speak to the platforms where you’ll be active based on niche data and your analytics.

Video is even more important. To showcase your brand, but also engage your target audience. AI tools give you the capability to make even prettier video content! Find your brand’s best combination recipe that includes: 

  • Informational long-form video
  • Explainer videos
  • Live video – events and behind-the-scenes
  • Video shorts
  • Video clips
  • Stories 
  • Podcast – start with a limited series

Say yes to a video channel if you have not yet done it. Share video on social media, embed it in blog posts, and include it in email newsletters. Video is the most engaging form of content — especially live video. Use it, or get left behind. This is your excuse to have fun exploring the most groovy of AI tools. 

Consider collaborating and co-creating where it fits. Find complementing (not competing) businesses with good reputations to join forces on projects that would advance both organizations. Join forces to create content, share purpose, and promote. You’ll get the benefit of more interaction and algorithms will be more likely to be favorable to your material. It is a compound effect that combats large advertising budgets in a more cost-effective way.

Marji J. Sherman

CEO – The MJS Brand


Marji Sherman

Less is more. Please, everyone, post less! I work heavily with clients on holding back on posting too much because some believe that more content means more exposure. That is not true for most social networks anymore. Since paid social media entered the equation, strategic minimalist posting is the way to go. 

Secure handles and domains. With AI comes a host of new web domains and new social networks. Even if you have no intention of ever using that platform, securing your brand’s name is worth it before anyone else has a chance. 

Invest in AI. Whether it’s attending a webinar, taking a class, attending a conference, reading new AI books, experimenting with AI for your brand, paid ads management– and so much more–find time to sharpen your AI skills and keep up to date with changes in AI and new tools debuting. 

Create a Safe Space. I know this sounds a little out there to some, but there is magic in creating your corner/room/garden of solitude. Social media takes a lot out of those working in it, and AI sets unrealistic expectations of how soon social media managers can create and publish content. On really tough work days, I go to my safe space, which includes a candle, an essential oil diffuser, a journal, and complete silence. I have a 10-month-old, so I understand those not seeing time to incorporate a safe space into their routine. Here’s the deal: 15 minutes in my safe space increases my productivity and helps me create some distance from those a-holes who leave negative comments and troll. 

Publish Long Form Content. It’s time to brush off that old blog and start writing again. Blogs produce SEO value while working as a lead generation form and/or greater retention. Facebook is a great place to test long-form content. Testing a Facebook post with a long copy against one with a little copy will reveal your community’s presence. To add to that, invest in social selling on LinkedIn by building relationships with your connections who may be prospects. Consistently create high-quality, informative content that addresses their challenges and interests. Share valuable blog posts and engage in discussions to position yourself as a thought leader in your field.

Miruna Dragomir

Miruna Dragomir

CMO – Planable


🚀 Real-Time is the Real Deal: Follower counts just don’t matter anymore; it’s all about what’s hot right now. TikTok’s shown us that timing is everything. In 2024, post content that aligns with what people care about at the moment, what they’re talking about, and what trends is your audience engaging with. This doesn’t mean jumping on every viral trend, but rather understanding and engaging with the current discourse in your field.

🤝 Team Up for Content: Social media’s a team sport in 2024. In 2024, effective social media marketing requires more than just a few dedicated managers; it needs the collective insight of your entire team. Everyone in your organization can contribute ideas and insights based on their unique perspectives and interactions with social media. Encourage them: ask them to share interesting content they come across, participate in brainstorming sessions, or even feature in your social media content, such as in videos or interviews. 

To make it happen — create the welcoming environment for these ideas to pour. Make sure it’s easy and quick for them to use. 

Timothy Hughes

CEO and Co-founder – DLA Ignite


Timothy Hughes

The mistake that so many people make with social media is they hope and hope was never a strategy.  It’s a fallacy to think that if you post or if your employees post on social media the phone will ring with leads.  

You cannot assume that people will do your selling for you.  Social media marketing needs a strategy, a methodology, no more posting and hoping. Every single keypress you make on your keyboard on social media can be attributed to clear revenue delivery.  This question by its very nature drives people to share tactics, that’s the last thing your business needs. 

Julia Campbell

Julia Campbell

Author, Speaker, Podcaster – J Campbell Social Marketing LLC


It’s important to understand that in the world of social media, the only constant is change. Platforms come and go, algorithms change, what’s popular now won’t be popular tomorrow. 

My focus in 2024 will be on using social media to grow my email list and podcast following, where I can build deeper relationships that will last long-term. Having a “forest for the trees” view of social media is important, as people are changing the way they use these platforms.

The digital marketing trend for 2024 is all about entertainment – if you aren’t entertaining people, making them think, educating them, or showing them something different, they will scroll away. 

Virginia Zuloaga

Founder and CEO of Brieffin Consulting


Virginia Zuloaga

As we continue to face changing algorithms and a growing trend of digital fatigue, I choose to take the road less traveled. The digital landscape is saturated with content and tools that promise rapid growth and engagement, but the essence of meaningful connections is often lost in the process.

It’s important to recognize that strategies that work for some don’t apply universally, and the desire to keep up can lead to burnout and disappointment. My approach is to step back from the noise and focus on what matters.

A commitment to consistency, patience, and quality over quantity is a sustainable practice that honors the human behind the screen. As AI-powered tools multiply, promising followers and engagement, the true intent and loyalty of these digital audiences is not guaranteed by mere numbers. I believe in creating content that authentically connects, valuing every interaction, no matter how small, as an opportunity to build a genuine bond.

Also, the influence of our content goes beyond the visible metrics. Engagement comes in many forms, with the most meaningful interactions often occurring out of the public eye.

By expanding our digital experience to prioritize authentic connections balanced with personal well-being, we’re laying the basis for a digital presence that’s as conscious and healthy as it is impactful.

Ravi Shukle

Ravi Shukle

Founder – Karma Wolf Social Media Agency


  1. Utilise Ai to help map your content calendars and provide an outline you can build upon 
  2. Make the customer the center of your content marketing strategy on social media (their pain points, their successes, their desired outcomes from your product, etc) 
  3. While production values have gone through the roof with social media content, don’t be afraid to embrace the raw and authentic side of your brand/business. This means opening your phone’s camera and just hitting record. People connect with more raw style content as it feels more natural to them.

Lilach Bullock

Founder & CEO


Lilach Bullock

In 2024, authenticity on social media is still king. Engage with your audience as if they’re good friends at a cozy dinner party.

Video content continues to reign supreme, but the focus is on short, impactful stories that capture the essence of your brand – crafting bite-sized narratives that leave your audience hungry for more.

Ted Rubin

Ted Rubin

Reformed CMO, Speaker, Author, Strategic Advisor… Straight Talk


BE SOCIAL! Make it easy to share… create shareable content that connects emotionally.

AND… Change your Marketing Mindset from Targeting to Matchmaking and you will WIN!

Jacob Shipley

Founder – Social Studies


Jacob Shipley

The same things work now that have always worked… produce a high volume of quality, relevant content. When there’s a brand new platform, you see a wave of accounts benefiting from the first mover advantage, but as time goes on, the same things continue to work.

Above all else, be relevant.

My friend Dave Adamson says “Relevance is meeting the needs of your audience in the moment they need it most.” Follow that and you can’t go wrong.

Community management is also massively underrated. Brands like C4 and DudeWipes are setting an amazing example.

Alexandra Varodi

Social Media Manager – Flipsnack


3 tips I consider the most important ones for 2024: 

Quality over Quantity

As social media platforms are already crowded with a lot of noise, it is crucial to focus on quality instead of quantity in 2024. Rather than posting frequently, create content that sparks conversation and is useful for your followers.

Always start by listening

Social listening will also play a significant role in initiating meaningful conversations with your audience. By listening and responding to their needs and queries, you can gain their trust and support.

Build a strong community

To create a strong community around your brand, it’s important to work with influential individuals in your field and establish lasting partnerships based on trust and transparency. People generally tend to trust other people more than they trust brands themselves, which is why collaborating with trustworthy influencers can be a powerful way to build an engaged audience.

Laura Trif

Digital Media Manager – Creatopy


Laura Trif

That’s a tough one :). Not sure if it’s 2024, but more like evergreen wisdom that’s stood the test of time.

Consistency is key—a reliable posting schedule builds trust. Crafting compelling content sparks conversations and adds real value to your audience.

Add to that testing new ideas, staying trend-savvy, and being selective. Authenticity shines—finding your brand voice in the social media buzz.

As for something new to the table, it must be AI-related, and it translates into unlocking AI’s power: Algorithms optimize schedules, and analytics shape strategy. AI isn’t just a tool; it’s your content creator, idea generator, and strategy enhancer. If you’re interested in even more optimization, we suggest you check out our article on social media analytics tools.

Jeff Korhan

Jeff Korhan

Founder – True Nature Marketing


Social media effectiveness is combining a handful of tips or tactics as a process to accomplish specific objectives. Demonstrating expertise and building influence is a process of communication, listening, and engagement. Short-form video is proving to be highly effective for accomplishing this in measurable ways.

How that works will depend on the audience, the business, and their respective objectives. In these situations, I often consider what Steve Jobs said when questioned about Apple’s strategy for the iPhone. Start with the customer experience and work backward to the technology. First ask what benefits you can give to the audience, then design your use of social media marketing to best fulfill that brand promise.

The evolution of AI makes it easy to expect much more from the technology. The tools are getting much better, and we can demand more from the social media platforms too. Most important is having a sound strategy and implementing it well, while being prepared to reallocate technology resources to get desired results.

Gini Dietrich

CEO and Founder – Arment Dietrich and Spin Sucks


Gini Dietrich

To give my love, ChatGPT, a shot at answering this, I asked it what it thought the most effective social media tips are for 2024.

And it said, “AI and automation.” There you have it, folks! There are a few more: video content (all the video), influencer marketing, personalized and diverse content, accessible content, and maybe some augmented reality thrown in.

Christina Garnett

Christina Garnett

Principal Marketing Manager, Offline Community and Advocacy – HubSpot


– Your customers have seen the tricks that marketers have been doing for years. 

– Read the room and be aware of how global events impact your customers and audience. 

Ingrid Kibler

Head of Global Digital Communications and Social Media – Trend Micro


Ingrid Kibler

Many social media platforms use AI to offer help in facilitating your work as a social media marketer.

Understand its capabilities and put it to work for you in a responsible, ethical way. 

Adina Jipa

Adina Jipa

Co-founder & CMO – Socialinsider


Social media is not a traffic accelerator. It’s a relationship builder, a way to nurture connections and build communities around brands.

In 2024, it’ll be all about recognizing that social media’s superpower is its ability to easily help us build sustainable relationships.