7 Essential Steps for Using Neuromarketing to Increase Facebook Engagement

Marketing is hard work, to say the least. You can spend decades practicing your skills, researching your competitor’s tactics and always keeping up to date with the latest strategies and it can still feel like you’re only scratching the surface.
Sometimes, it will feel like something is missing, and those Facebook engagement rates just aren’t where you want them to be. With this in mind, if you’re not using neuromarketing in your marketing strategy, that’s probably what it is.
Never heard of it and don’t know where to begin? Here are seven key steps you need to take, for using neuromarketing to boost your Facebook engagement.


7 Steps for Using Neuromarketing to Increase Facebook Engagement


1. Sell a Physical-Digital Product

Let’s say that you’re selling a piece of software for a computer or Mac. If you’ve attached screenshots to your content, maybe a how-to video, that’s great, and you’re going to get some engagement.
However, by making your digital products ‘physical’, neuromarketing tells us that the customer’s perception of the product changes entirely. Wait, then why is everything online, I hear you ask.
Well, of course, digital marketing is very precise, and you can target products specifically at certain types of people. “However, studies show that brand recall is 70% higher with physical forms of marketing, such as direct mail, than they are with the digital equivalent” – says Andrea Piner, a Marketing Psychologist and a contributing writer at Huffington Post.
This is because physical media awakens the customer’s senses, such as touch, smell and sight, helping them to relate to the product or advertising much more effectively.

2. Mobile Marketing is Key

Of course, everybody loves their mobile phones, and you see them everywhere all over the world. Facebook actually conducted a study where they found that people process information far easier on a mobile device than they do a television screen.
“When shown ads on both devices, customers viewing ads on mobile screens were far more responsive to the ads and in a much more positive way” – explains Marvin Wright, a Digital Marketer at Big Assignments.

3. Decide What Colours You Use

A peer-reviewed survey found that customers form an opinion of a product in around and under 90 seconds. When researched, it was found that between 60-90% of this decision was based on the color of the product or the ad.
Each color has its own meaning and level of impact. For example, red is the most striking color, but it can implement a warning, anger, love or frustration. However, green is a great color as it signifies organic products and freshness; a great way to grab your customer’s attention. You can see how to use color to affect psychology in this piece by Psychology Today.

4. Professional Content

One of the most overlooked aspects of neuromarketing is simply producing professional quality content for your Facebook pages.
If your content is riddled with mistakes, such as spelling errors, bad punctuation and poor grammar, these mistakes are going to stick out like a sore thumb, and your customers will instantly read this, notice them and leave, seriously damaging the credibility of your product, your posts, and your business.
To further perfect your message, you can use an editing tool like Assignment Help. You can also use copywriting tools like Easy Word Count to make sure you’re sending the right message.

5. I’ll Scratch Your Back

One of the most unsung neuromarketing techniques is reciprocity. This means if you follow someone’s page on Facebook, maybe a customer or a partnered business, the chances are that they follow you back.
If you like and comment on their photo, when they see your posts in their feeds, they’re likely to do the same. Of course, this will have a small impact on your engagement rates, but it’s an impact nonetheless.

6. Defining What Language to Use

If you haven’t considered what language your content posts should use, so it best relates to your target readers, if you get it wrong, this is going to have a negative effect on your readers and your engagement rates.
Before every post that you upload, be sure that you know exactly what kind of audience you’re trying to attract and that you’re communicating the message that you want to communicate. Online tools like State of Writing or Cite It In are a great way to make sure that you’re using the right language in your content.
Similarly, you can use copywriting tools like Oxessays to make sure the language and message in your Facebook posts are perfect for your readers.

7. Give the Best Customer Experience

As we already know, Google, Facebook and all companies in the world are prioritizing the fact that their customers want the best experience. This is something you must remember in your Facebook posts for them to be successful.
This means surveying through your website to see what customers want to see, maybe in the form of a Facebook poll. Before you post a video, it’s important to test your video to make sure it’s something that your customer wants to see.
This idea is limitless, and it solely depends on your target audience, but you can find tips on how to use neuromarketing to give the best customer experience at sites like Resumention and AcademAdvisor.
Neuromarketing might sound like something reserved for scientists and psychologists, but this isn’t the case. Follow these seven key posts, and you can be sure to boost your Facebook engagement rates, taking your posts to new levels of success.
See also: 5 Ways To Build Relationships With Influencers