Spotify Canvas Now Available for Instagram Stories

Spotify has recently announced that they will add a Stories feature to the platform and everyone went crazy about it. Even though it was only for the influencers and not to advertise themselves, but to help people discover new music they might enjoy. 

And you might also know that Spotify has launched, last Autumn, a tool called Canvas, that allowed artists on the platform to change the album artwork while a song was playing, from a still image to a short loop, where images were moving, making it more dynamic. 

People had mixed feelings about the new feature: some enjoyed it and some said it was rather distracting. But even so, Spotify did not give up on them and even made it possible for the artists to share their artwork on Instagram as well.

How can one share Spotify Canvas artwork on Instagram?

It is as simple as one tap. And available worldwide starting today.

If you are an artist on Spotify and have created different Canvases for your songs, just go to your profile and see there the Share button. Tap it and share your song with Instagram Stories. The artwork will appear there, as an old Spotify post. But this is only available for the Spotify iOS users at the moment and in beta, as they are still testing the new feature and listen to feedback. 

The new feature is intended to help artists market their new songs or albums and also include short sections of their videos for a certain song and even a live video. 

Reports from Spotify say that since they launched Canvas, shares have increased with 200%, also helping artists increase their profile views and streams. 

Spotify still plans on implementing new features for artists to stand out in the crowd and help them increase their visibility. And their main focus will still be this, instead of becoming the new Myspace, aka turning into a social network.

See also: How much can you earn from Instagram?