Instagram Stories New Improvements

Instagram has recently launched two new improvements to Stories: the possibility to add multiple photos and videos at the same time and location improvements. Let’s see how those work.

Instagram Stories New Improvements


1. Multiple photos and videos uploaded to Stories at the same time

Remember when Instagram added a new feature that allowed users to post up to 10 pictures or videos to the same post? And how both users and brands were happy about it and took advantage of the new feature?
Well, yesterday Instagram has made it possible for users and businesses to add up to 10 photos and videos to Stories, all at once. This will help you upload your memories to Stories if, for example, you have a poor Internet connection or you just want to share photos and videos from different moments of the day.


How to use the new feature?

If you want to upload multiple photos or videos to your story, all at once, first you have to go to the Stories section of Instagram. After you have done this, go to upload media and in the top right corner of your screen, you will see a new icon. Tap on it and select the 10 photos or videos that you want to upload. You will then see a preview of all the media you have selected. You will be able to edit each of it with filters, texts, stickers or any other tool that Instagram Stories is offering. When you are done with sorting out the media and edit it, just click on the “Next” button and the content will upload all at once.

2. Location improvements

Remember the park we have taken those photos? Or that cafe that has the amazing latte? No? Don’t worry! This has happened to all of us at a certain moment in time. The location improvements that Instagram brings along with its newest update will help us better determine the place we have taken certain photos or videos when you want to upload them to your Stories. The new location sticker will suggest you places from near where you have taken a photo or video. Just as Facebook does. This way, even if you don’t remember the exact name of the place, maybe the hints Instagram will give you will help you tag the places you have visited.
The updates are currently available for Android devices. The iOS users still have to wait a few weeks for them to be available for their devices.
See also: Instagram Allow Resharing Posts in Stories