How the New Instagram Co-Watching Feature Works?

In a time when physical distancing is recommended and people spend more and more time keeping in touch on-line, Instagram comes with a new feature that will bring people together. And this is the new Instagram Co-watching feature, which allows you to scroll on the social network together with your friends. 

This will turn the whole Instagram experience form a single-player one to a multi-player one. 

How Instagram Co-Watching feature works?

You can use the new feature with a group of maximum six people. So whether you start it from an individual direct message or a group thread, when you launch a video chat, everyone will see a ”Posts” button that, once clicked, will get all of you in the co-watching mode. The initiator can choose which posts to show to the others from the saved section, liked or even go to the explore feed and scroll through it.

If you are worried about your privacy, don’t. Because if your profile is private and one person in the group chat can’t see them, he or she is ineligible for that particular group chat. All your information stays private from the outside world. 

Is this new Co-Watching feature a helpful one?

Scrolling through your Instagram feed can sometimes be demoralizing seeing others’ magnificent lives and places they visit or activities they do and might also create feelings such as envy, hate or poor self-esteem. Doing this activity with more friends can turn into a pleasant one, as you can discuss with more people certain matters and see you are not the only one in the situation you are. 

But this new feature can also have a downside, such as people bullying in groups about the other ones or talking other mean stuff about them.

It is everyone’s duty, in general, to act respectful and hopefully it will be the case in this situation as well. 

This new Instagram Co-Watching feature can bring socializing to a whole new level and it is launching in a moment when this activity is very much needed, especially for the extroverts.

See also: Does Instagram have disappearing messages?