First Local Lens Launched by Snapchat in London

Snapchat has announced, back in June for its Partner Summit, the launch of Local Lenses, a new feature that would allow you to see the world through your lenses and imagination, literally.

So let’s see what the new AR functionality bring to the platform!

Local Lens launched in London

Just a few months after the idea has been launched, Snapchat has finally revealed what the new feature can do.

And they did it in London, on Carnaby Street, where people can paint the buildings, the street and everything around using the Snapchat AR lenses. The project is called “City Painter” and lets you reimagine the surroundings and then your creations will be visible to all the snapchaters that visit the site.

Here’s how it looks at the moment:

The new feature is a lot like “Landmarkers”, that allow users to interact with well-known landmarks all around the world, such as the Eiffel Tower, the Flat Iron Building or the Buckingham Palace, for example.

The difference between the two AR features is that Local Lens offers a broader view and it gives the opportunity to reimagine the old buildings and streets and make every user a creator and an artist at the same time.

For the moment, Snapchat is still in its early stages of implementation and testing of the AR features and, for the future, we’re sure we’ll see much more than what’s available at the moment.

Back in 2017, Facebook also had a prototype of an AR project, called SLAM virtual art installation project, but we don’t know anything new about it.

But Local Lens might be a way to integrate AR with Spectacles, but this is just a supposition, Snapchat didn’t disclose anything about it.

We’re very curious of how this feature will evolve and how people reimagine places and landmarks. Because a new point of view is always beneficial.

See also: What are Snap Minis?