7 Steps To Get More Followers On Google+

google plus tips

In today’s modern social networking environment it is important to get recognized in any possible way. If you’re struggling to get more followers on Google+, then you’re not the only one. There are over one billion registered users on this social network and it’s still growing every day.

Here are 7 steps to get more followers on Google+


1. Treat your Google+ account like a blog

If you sit back and just passively add comments or upload pictures not so often, then you’re passing up valuable opportunities for people to find you and be recognized. Make sure you are updating your account daily, even throughout the day if you have the time. Although it is important to stay current, be wary of posting needless information, especially if you’re posting for business purposes. You sell yourself and your work and try to think of each post as a response to an interview question.

2. Roll in the same Circles

As compared to it’s other contenders (Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr), Google Plus isn’t quite as popular, therefore everyone you add is important and reflects on you. This may seem a little odd, but even adding relevant people will improve your profile. If you follow people you’re interested in, then it’s likely that they’ll follow you back because you have something in common.

3. Be Relevant

Engage with your followers and make yourself known. Ask questions about their day or inquire about new offers and discuss the things that connect you. This is a quick and fun way to gain more notoriety and they’ll likely tell their followers about your input. This means that you shouldn’t just +1 as you go through your feed. Be interesting and entertaining in comments, provoke thoughts, and participate in relevant hangouts.

4. Timing is everything

Keep track of what time your friends and followers are posting. This goes hand-in-hand with being relevant. What good is if a great post if it’s put online at 3am and no one reads it? Participating in the feed while people with common interests are on and gives you maximum exposure.

5. Be Aware of Notifications

It’s easy to annoy people with a constant barrage of needless notifications and to get annoyed in return. Being aware of what you trigger is important, so go into your settings on your profile and press “Receive Notifications” and uncheck anything you don’t want to trigger. Try to avoid sending notifications unless they’re something you’d want to receive yourself.

6. Ask for Extra Points

Asking for your followers to +1 your posts is an easy way to up your following. If you don’t want to seem rude, integrate the suggestion into your post. For example, just add “+1 if you agree” onto the end of your post. Just make sure that what you say is +1 worthy first.

7. The Ripple Effect

Ripples is a cool feature on the Google+ network and lets you see the important people “making waves”. If you really want to be one of the top followed people, then keep a close eye on that. Find people who relate to your specific niche and rub elbows with the elites.
There are a ton of ways to up your popularity on Google+, but you also are able to meet new and interesting people with ease. With useful tools and engaging conversation by following these steps you can promote yourself and become the center of your social circle.

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See also: 7 Benefits of using Google+ for your business