3 Ways to Drive Traffic Through Facebook

As anyone in the modern-day marketing world will tell you, it’s not enough to simply create pages.
Yes, the aforementioned method is one of the preliminary steps to take, which no one can overlook. However, in order for your social media presence to expand – whether it’s through Twitter, Tumblr or, in this case, Facebook – traffic has to be seen. People have to land on your page and, just as importantly, spend considerable time on it. Even if they do not wind up liking or commenting on said page, the fact that they have arrived shows potential.
Those who are new to this endeavor may ask the question, “How can I direct traffic to my Facebook page?” Whether it’s through hotel websites or Facebook itself, traffic can be achieved. You may be curious as to how you could use this platform to your advantage. In order to drive as much traffic to your Facebook page as possible, these 3 methods should not go ignored.

3 Ways to Drive Traffic Through Facebook


1. Create a “shareable” platform for content

Have you ever visited a news-focused website and saw a number of social media buttons? These are designed for you, as a reader, to share out the stories you read so that your friends and family members may read them as well. To put it simply, “shareable” platforms are crucial for content creation, which is a point we’ll expand on more in a bit. Regardless, if you’re going to build a platform for the purpose of hosting your own content, make sure that it is “shareable.” Implement plug-ins, Digg being arguably the most popular option, so that social media buttons are incorporated. Once you have a platform like this, you’ll be that much closer to driving traffic through Facebook.

2. Set up a schedule

Would you be able to effective work out without a solid schedule set in place? Would you have been able to make that client meeting had it not been written down in advance? If you have answered “no” to these questions, you may be that much more interested in setting up a schedule for the sake of building your Facebook page from the ground up. Focus on what your demographic is interested in and, as just as importantly, how much news they can take. Creating a slew of posts one day and remaining quiet the next day is not the best course of action. Consistency should be the focus, as far as scheduling is concerned. You want to make that content is distributed on a relatively level basis. Speaking of content…

3. Post engaging content only

This should go without saying but you’d be surprised by how often this is overlooked. Whether it’s due to a lack of understanding of one’s demographic or the inability to write well, content stands a chance of being poorly utilized. In order to effectively go about this step, focus on writing with a “quality over quantity” mindset intact. It shouldn’t matter how many words you type, as long as your overall point comes across as clearly as possible. The important point to consider is engagement. For example, simply posting news stories on your Facebook feed isn’t enough, since the typical Facebook user will see this as spam, whether it was your intention or not. Bring your own commentary into the mix. Ask questions your audience will be sure to answer. “List” articles or blog posts are effective as well. Without engaging content, you won’t possess the ability to drive traffic through Facebook, which is a skill that any online marketing firm can attest to.
In your view, what’s the most challenging aspect about driving traffic to your Facebook page? Please leave your thoughts below!

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See also: 3 Ways to Avoid Hoax Articles on Social Media